Assassin’s Creed Origins
After killing two of the members of the mysterious group you go to Alexandria you meet Bayeks wife Aya who reveals that she already killed the other two members after being given the new you are now set to find the last one “The Snake" after killing the last one you find out there are more members you go through the game killing the other members then a war goes out you help
you enter a tomb to find out your buddy got killed you carry his body out of the tomb and take his fire sword you wanting to take revenge you travel to the outpost and infiltrate it and find the last member and it turns out he can shoot lasers yep lasers you fight him I don’t know what happened cause I got scared and never fought him there was still another little chuck left of the story
Now will tell you what I like about the game first is that the whole map is almost a real creation of Egypt also the combat is perfect it catches the realism of battle’s that took place before also the realism put into the NPC’s like if you start or a fire starts they will try to put out the fire
thats it bye